President Donald Trump and the Republican Party are the best decision to bring God’s blessings

President Donald Trump and the Republican Party are the best decision to bring God’s blessings

If we want God’s blessings we must choose leaders who advocate for churches to open, are pro-life, promote God for the nation, and improve the economy which helps the poor. Voting against God for Democrats is a national security danger and would cause poverty and the persecution of Christians.


President Donald Trump (Grade A-)President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are the most Christian acting leaders of our lifetime. President Trump calls for churches to open, is for life, protects Christian religious liberty, brings economic recovery which also helps the poor, and is honest. Christians and churches see the Republican Party is moving closer to God. God’s safety, economic blessings, and liberty are through the GOP.

Joe Biden (Grade F) Biden fails God’s requirements. Biden removed God from the Pledge of Allegiance at the 2020 Democrat National Convention, would persecute Christians, allows abortion/infanticide even after birth, and has a record of losing jobs that increased poverty. Biden and Kamala Harris are socialist/marxists against Christianity and are the most Satanic political candidates in US history. Biden is alleged to be bribed/controlled by China, Russia, Ukraine, and other foreign countries. The Democrat Party moved away from God and results in poverty, crime, and tyranny.

How is a Christian to vote?

The American Christian Voting Guide ™ (ACVG) is a 2020 presidential election checklist based on the Five Biblical Qualifications for Choosing Leaders; it shows:


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