What I shall say of atmospheric air applies to the other gases also

What I shall say of atmospheric air applies to the other gases also

Although these considerations were sufficient to make it desirable that someone should take up an investigation of such general utility, yet the difficulty of the researches which it involved would have prevented me giving myself to it, if I had not been strongly urged to undertake it by Citizen Berthollet, of whom I have the honor to be a pupil. I owe to him the apparatus needed to carry out this work, in which I have often been guided by his advice and that of Citizen Laplace: such great authorities will increase the confidence with which it may be received.

The researches which I have https://i.pinimg.com/236x/a4/b3/26/a4b32602413903243ee7163ffd0ed64e.jpg” alt=”women seeking women ny”> undertaken on the law of expansion of gases and vapors, and on the progress of the thermometer, are not yet complete. (περισσότερα…)

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