Actually JJ started lots of shit, by the way the word is shit not chit, quit being such a pussy
tempeau2 the anti-defamation is a well-intentioned organization sometimes used by chatroom communists to defend antifa scumTheOneWhoShallNotBeNamed omgtempeau2 swidt?TheOneWhoShallNotBeNamed am I a Communist?tempeau2 of course nottempeau2 you lack the organizational skills
All my life i have realized i was attracted to women but never had the courage to make a public announcement until now. I figured if anyone knew, i would be called “straighty” or would hear whispers of “hetero” or “hey look, there’s Straighty McStraighterson” as i walked away from the group gathered around the water fountain. This is very liberating and my friends and family are so happy for me, including my wife (although i think she strongly suspected this was the case all this time). Thank you in advance Pier Nation for any support you can give me through this next few weeks as I make the adjustment to accepting the fact everyone now knows. This also means a couple of you guys can quit humping my blog leg because IT’S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, MOVE ON TO SOMEONE ELSE.
sslvrbulllit yOU NOT WORKING TODAY, kANZY?sslvrbulllit What happened to BENNY HILLKanzy__cougarbitey worry about yur own jobKanzy__cougarbitey I will leave for my job when im supposed to be theresslvrbulllit Guess that answers my question
Not sticking up for Kanzy here but just wanted to point out, for a man who has proudly declared he is homeless and living under a bridge and uses the library to get online, he sure has some nerve mocking anyone else about a job. Hell, even Fit works (sometimes). By the way dude, your bridge bed could use some sprucing up, n art or at least some graffiti for that drab gray wall.
Welcome The Newest Member Of The Boron Brigade (there’s an outside chance i already inducted him and forgot, but if i did, he’s deserving of a second spot in the Hall of Stupidity. (περισσότερα…)